Las donaciones remuneratorias: configuración jurídica, colación y dispensa. A propósito de la STS de España núm. 473/2018, de 20 de julio 2018

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Las donaciones remuneratorias: configuración jurídica, colación y dispensa. A propósito de la STS de España núm. 473/2018, de 20 de julio 2018

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Rabanete Martínez, Isabel
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2020

If there is a topic that has resulted in numerous doctrinal discussions is that of the legal configuration of the donation remuneration, as well as the collation of the same. In fact, the collation of the donation remuneration has followed a significant evolution in the jurisprudence, beginning to understand that the donation remuneration is not collation, to defend the collation total of the same. And going through a time intermedia, which asserts that the collation may be partial. Accept a criterion or another has always depended on the discussed application of art. 622 CC to this type of donation.
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