El efecto irreversible del tiempo en el desarrollo del menor y la adopción de la guarda y custodia compartida. Comentario a la STS de España, núm. 124/2019, de 26 de febrero

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El efecto irreversible del tiempo en el desarrollo del menor y la adopción de la guarda y custodia compartida. Comentario a la STS de España, núm. 124/2019, de 26 de febrero

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Alba Ferré, Esther
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2020

The commented Judgment grants shared custody to a non-custodial parent who had applied for the amendment of the divorce measures, taking into account the age of the child when the agreement was signed and the flexibility by the parents of the system initially agreed. The Supreme Court highlights the irreversible effect of time on the development of the child as a certain change and the need to avoid petrifying the situation of the child.
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