La privación de la patria potestad al progenitor no custodio como consecuencia de la desatención económica y personal hacia su hijo menor. Comentario a la STS de España, núm. 291/2019, de 23 de mayo

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La privación de la patria potestad al progenitor no custodio como consecuencia de la desatención económica y personal hacia su hijo menor. Comentario a la STS de España, núm. 291/2019, de 23 de mayo

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Martínez Calvo, Javier
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2020

The fact that there is no communication between the minor child and the non-custodial parent for a prolonged period of time and that, furthermore, the parent does not pay punctually and voluntarily the support payments established in favor of his or her child without just cause, is a serious and repeated violation of the obligations inherent to parental authority. This causes the parent-child relationship to be seriously affected and justifies, for the benefit of the child, the loss of parental authority on the part of the non-compliant parent.
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