Nulidad de la cuantificación de las costas en el procedimiento económico-administrativo. comentario de la STS de España núm. 760/2019, de 3 de junio

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Nulidad de la cuantificación de las costas en el procedimiento económico-administrativo. comentario de la STS de España núm. 760/2019, de 3 de junio

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Hernández Guijarro, Fernando
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2020

The present study analyzes the STS 84/2018, of June 3, which has declared the nullity of the quantification of costs in the economic-administrative procedure provided for in article 51.2 of Royal Decree 520/2005, of May 13, in subject matter of administrative review, in its wording given by Royal Decree 1073/2017, of December 29. For this, we also lay out the direct resource that has been the route used by the Spanish Association of Tax Advisors to challenge the mentioned regulation.
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