La gratuidad como elemento esencial del contrato de comodato. El comodato en interés del comodante

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La gratuidad como elemento esencial del contrato de comodato. El comodato en interés del comodante

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Rabanete Martínez, Isabel
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2020

The commodatum contract is a figure little studied by doctrine and confused by jurisprudence with other related figures. However, today, the importance of preserving the heritage intact and of acquiring constant benefits derived from it, has caused that the free title has almost entirely ceded the position to the onerous title, favoring those contracts that suppose some income in the asset, such as it is the commodatum contract. This study aims to determine if these contracts, in which the borrower is an interested party due to the possible benefit that may be obtained, distort the legal concept of the commodatum, and its essential gratuitousness.
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