Estudios previos y propuesta de intervención en las pinturas murales, esculturas y ornamentos de la Real Parroquia de los Santos Juanes de Valencia

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Estudios previos y propuesta de intervención en las pinturas murales, esculturas y ornamentos de la Real Parroquia de los Santos Juanes de Valencia

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Roig Picazo, Pilar; Regidor Ros, José Luis; Bosch Roig, Lucía; Marcenac, Valeria
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2020

Throughout this article, the most representative aspects of the previous studies and the intervention proposal, carried out for the restoration of the paintings, sculptures and ornaments of the Royal Parish of the Santos Juanes in Valencia, are exposed. A project of this magnitude involves the effort and dedication of a great team, resulting in one-year work with exhaustive and constant research with the purpose of safeguarding the heritage assets of the church. With this article we want to make known the importance that these previous studies acquire. Been essential since they are the starting point and the basis for the execution of the restoration works that will be carried out during four years.
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