La destrucció del patrimoni artístic i la seua reconstrucció. Un exercici de microhistòria: el cas de Llíria i la Confraria de la Sang (1936-1949)

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La destrucció del patrimoni artístic i la seua reconstrucció. Un exercici de microhistòria: el cas de Llíria i la Confraria de la Sang (1936-1949)

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Llibrer Escrig, Antoni
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2020

The problem of artistic destruction and its reconstruction has been little studied. Using a microhistorical analysis method, we study the town of Lliria (Valencia) and its brotherhood of ?La Sang de Jesucrist? (had a great heritage from the 16th to the 19th centuries), and we also analyze how and why this destruction and reconstruction was generated during the context of the civil war. We use and combine different sources (public of the ?Causa General? and private of the ?Minute Books?) for this research, with the intention of specifying the analysis of this complex process. We also explain social and artistic relationships of these two processes, that help us study the workshops of the most important sculptors in Valencia during the 1940s and 1950s (Ponsoda, Bellver, Sambonet o Cuesta).
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