La Sala Parpalló en el Centre Cultural La Beneficència (1995-1999)

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La Sala Parpalló en el Centre Cultural La Beneficència (1995-1999)

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Muñoz Ibáñez, Manuel
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2020

During the period 1995-1999, the Sala Parpalló was located in the Beneficència Cultural Center of Valencia, sharing the place with the spaces of the Museum of Prehistory, the Museum of Ethnology and the IVEI. In the investigation it exposed a technical file for each of the 57 self-produced exhibitions carried out in the period and a selection of the studies that accompanied them: the files are displayed chronologically according to the procedures used. The work concludes with the analysis of the objectives that were mainly all the programming: 1) Sala Parpalló as an integrated project; 2) Studies and exhibitions around the Valencian Cultural Imaginary; 3) Analysis of the postmodern crisis; and 4) Contemporary creation as an extension of the Avant-garde Theory.
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