Observaciones sobre una reflexión heterodoxa en los Comentarii de Juan Luis Vives a la Ciudad de Dios de San Agustín

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Observaciones sobre una reflexión heterodoxa en los Comentarii de Juan Luis Vives a la Ciudad de Dios de San Agustín

Mostra el registre parcial de l'element Fernández Requena, Pedro es 2021-02-17T08:13:28Z 2021-02-17T08:13:28Z 2019 es
dc.identifier.citation Fernández Requena, Pedro. Observaciones sobre una reflexión heterodoxa en los Comentarii de Juan Luis Vives a la Ciudad de Dios de San Agustín. En: Studia philologica valentina, 21 2019: 69-81 es
dc.description.abstract The Patres ecclesiae?s works were a frequent topic of discussion at the time in which many humanists stood against the decadent medieval scholastics. That Juan Luis Vives was part of this tradition is demonstrated in his commentaries on Saint Augustine works. Despite its pedagogical function, the scholia of the Valencian author became quite subjective. In this sense, his ecdotic work or, specially, his «criticisms and censures» can be mentioned. Here, Vives strongly disapproves of the intense political and intellectual turmoil of his epoch. Thus, this article is aimed at describing those annotations in which Vives adopts such an Erasmist point of view to comment Augustine?s De Civitate Dei. Therefore, we will analyse the way in which Vives comments the contents of this work. Moreover, the reiteration of his arguments will be remarked throughout the Commentarii. The modus operandi of Vives is justified by propaedeutic issues and it stimulates the freedom of conscience. es
dc.subject 1135-9560 8276 Studia philologica valentina 536436 2019 21 7225813 Observaciones sobre una reflexión heterodoxa en los Comentarii de Juan Luis Vives a la Ciudad de Dios de San Agustín Fernández Requena es
dc.subject Pedro The Patres ecclesiae?s works were a frequent topic of discussion at the time in which many humanists stood against the decadent medieval scholastics. That Juan Luis Vives was part of this tradition is demonstrated in his commentaries on Saint Augustine works. Despite its pedagogical function es
dc.subject the scholia of the Valencian author became quite subjective. In this sense es
dc.subject his ecdotic work or es
dc.subject specially es
dc.subject his «criticisms and censures» can be mentioned. Here es
dc.subject Vives strongly disapproves of the intense political and intellectual turmoil of his epoch. Thus es
dc.subject this article is aimed at describing those annotations in which Vives adopts such an Erasmist point of view to comment Augustine?s De Civitate Dei. Therefore es
dc.subject we will analyse the way in which Vives comments the contents of this work. Moreover es
dc.subject the reiteration of his arguments will be remarked throughout the Commentarii. The modus operandi of Vives is justified by propaedeutic issues and it stimulates the freedom of conscience. anotaciones ? reflexión crítica ? antiescolanticismo ? censura es
dc.subject annotations ? critical reflexion ? anti-scholasticism ? censorship 69 81 es
dc.title Observaciones sobre una reflexión heterodoxa en los Comentarii de Juan Luis Vives a la Ciudad de Dios de San Agustín es
dc.type journal article es_ES
dc.identifier.doi es
dc.type.hasVersion VoR es_ES

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