La multidimensionalidad de una pandemia. Sociedad y Derecho en la era del post-coronavirus

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La multidimensionalidad de una pandemia. Sociedad y Derecho en la era del post-coronavirus

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Belloso Martín, Nuria
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2020

The multidimensionality of readings that have been opened derived from the effects of Covid-19 (philosophical, sociological and legal) offers an opportunity to reflect on some dichotomies - in addition to the already classic health / economy - such as risk-fear / alterity, individualism / community, as well as to review some of the stories and narratives that have tried to explain what this crisis has meant and the post-pandemic scenario that could be configured. From the analysis of the philosophical and sociological dimensions, the aim is to lay the foundations to identify which nuclear issues affect the legal dimension and, from there, to point out some parameters about how Law could be rethink in a post-coronavirus scenario
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