Consecuencias de la STC 76/2019, de 22 de mayo en la privacidad y uso de apps para el control de la COVID. El caso de Radar COVID

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Consecuencias de la STC 76/2019, de 22 de mayo en la privacidad y uso de apps para el control de la COVID. El caso de Radar COVID

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Rodríguez-Prieto, Rafael
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2020

This paper focusses on the consequences for the dialectic between preservation of privacy and the opportunity to take advantage of the possibilities that technology offers us to control epidemics such as COVID. STC 76/2019, of May 22 rules a set of accurate guarantees to be taken into consideration in the design of applications that control and surveillance, justified by the entity of the epidemiological crisis, but which in no case should serve to limit or restrict constitutionally guaranteed rights. This paper will analyze the case of Radar COVID.
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