Problemas Abiertos sobre la publicación de los precedentes

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Problemas Abiertos sobre la publicación de los precedentes

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Núñez Vaquero, Alvaro
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2020

The objective of the present work is to present some of the central problems that arise from considering publication as a requirement for the existence of precedents. I will defend the thesis that publication is not necessary to speak of a system of precedents or of precedents in particular. I will begin by presenting the importance of the publication of precedents. Next, I will analyze what it means to say that we have precedents. Subsequently, I will show different factors that determine the type of publication, and then I will present the problems generated by considering the publication as a requirement for precedents. I will conclude trying to specify what role publication plays in a system of precedents.
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