Experimentando con los sentidos : un rincón de ciencias en Educación Infantil

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Experimentando con los sentidos : un rincón de ciencias en Educación Infantil

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Puig Gutiérrez, María; López-Lozano, Lidia; García Rodríguez, Rocío
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2020

The Didactic of Sciences points out the suitability and need to explore sciences from an early age. Under this premise, we describe a didactic proposal to work on the topic of "the senses" based on constructivism that adopts the methodology of corners. The five activities, one for each sense, that make up this corner are detailed. The intervention was carried out in a Pre-School Education center in the province of Seville. The experience was attractive to the students due to the multitude and diversity of materials used and inquiries raised. The dynamics of these activities gave them greater autonomy in their experimentation process. It is possible to see a growth in their development that changes from an individual one to a collective one. We conclude that the open nature of the activities and the questions that trigger them have been key in promoting the processes of inquiry undergone.
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