Didáctica de las violencias del siglo XX : Enzo Traverso y el concepto de Guerra civil europea

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Didáctica de las violencias del siglo XX : Enzo Traverso y el concepto de Guerra civil europea

Mostra el registre parcial de l'element Hernández Sánchez, Gustavo es 2021-02-19T09:41:07Z 2021-02-19T09:41:07Z 2020 es
dc.identifier.citation Hernández Sánchez, Gustavo. Didáctica de las violencias del siglo XX : Enzo Traverso y el concepto de Guerra civil europea. En: Didáctica de las ciencias experimentales y sociales, 39 2020: 31-46 es
dc.description.abstract The following work presents a didactic proposal to explain the violence of the 20th century through the concept of the European Civil War used by the Italian historian Enzo Traverso. This author understands it as a historical cycle that takes place between the beginning of the Great War and the end of the Second World War and rejects the widely accepted idea of a confrontation between liberalism and totalitarianism, presenting a more complex vision. Through the reflection on his work, its application in relation to the ?critical didactics of the Social Sciences? is valued. In this way, History is presented, as well as its teaching and public use, as a field of study continuously revisited from the present and full of historiographical debates that can be used in the classroom, providing the subject with usefulness in the configuration of tolerant citizenships. es
dc.title Didáctica de las violencias del siglo XX : Enzo Traverso y el concepto de Guerra civil europea es
dc.type journal article es_ES
dc.subject.unesco UNESCO::PEDAGOGÍA es
dc.identifier.doi 10.7203/dces.39.15665 es
dc.type.hasVersion VoR es_ES

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