La fotografía como fuente histórica en el aula. Análisis de una metodología para la enseñanza de la Historia en la Educación Superior

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La fotografía como fuente histórica en el aula. Análisis de una metodología para la enseñanza de la Historia en la Educación Superior

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Ponsoda López de Atalaya, Santiago; Blanes Mora, Rubén
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2020

This work analyses an active methodology focused on the use of historical sources, in this case, photography, for the teaching of History in Higher Education. The assessed proposal was carried out in the Didactic of the Social Sciences: History subject of the Degree in Primary Education of the University of Alicante. The data obtained have been analysed from a qualitative approach and have provided information on the students' perception of a new way of working with historical contents. The results highlight that the methodology that adequately uses photography as a historical source encourages reflection and analysis on the facts dealt with and, at the same time, becomes a motivating element for the teaching of History.
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