Sobre la impertinencia de las políticas austericidas : algunos efectos y reflexiones desde el ámbito de la universidad.

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Sobre la impertinencia de las políticas austericidas : algunos efectos y reflexiones desde el ámbito de la universidad.

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Langa Rosado, Delia
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2020

In this paper we will describe briefly the main changes in the access and permanence conditions in the university after post-2012 reforms, in a scene of austerity in public spending. Based on Langa-Rosado ?s recent research it is concluded that last changes have provoked an increase of social class inequalities between students. In a final section we outline some arguments that reinforce the inopportuneness of this inequal turn in university policies, taking account the present context of sanitary and social crisis.
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