Umkehrung der Verhältnisse. Schellings Rezeption der Moralphilosophie Kants und ihre philosophiegeschichtliche Dimension

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Umkehrung der Verhältnisse. Schellings Rezeption der Moralphilosophie Kants und ihre philosophiegeschichtliche Dimension

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Cabezas, Sebastián
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2020

Comparisons between Kant and Schelling are mostly used to systematically analyse topics of German idealism. However, such an approach often disregards the resulting historical aspects. This paper is an attempt to draw historical conclusions from such a systematic analysis. I do so by showing how Schelling?s critique of Kant?s moral doctrine in Philosophie und Religion allows to gain an insight into Schelling?s philosophical development. Specifically, I argue that this criticism rests upon the claim that the ordo cognoscendi must follow the ordo essendi. This claim will be rejected in Schelling?s Freiheitsschrift and Stuttgarter Privatvorlesungen. Finally, historical remarks conclude this contribution.
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