Phosphorylation triggered growth of metal phosphate on halloysite and sepiolite nanoparticles: preparation, entrapment in chitosan hydrogels and application as recyclable scavengers

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Phosphorylation triggered growth of metal phosphate on halloysite and sepiolite nanoparticles: preparation, entrapment in chitosan hydrogels and application as recyclable scavengers

Mostra el registre parcial de l'element Boumhidi, Boutaina Katir, Nadia El Haskouri, Jamal Draoui, Khalid El Kadib, Abdelkrim 2021-03-03T15:39:31Z 2021-07-27T04:45:05Z 2020
dc.identifier.citation Boumhidi, Boutaina Katir, Nadia El Haskouri, Jamal Draoui, Khalid El Kadib, Abdelkrim 2020 Phosphorylation triggered growth of metal phosphate on halloysite and sepiolite nanoparticles: preparation, entrapment in chitosan hydrogels and application as recyclable scavengers New Journal of Chemistry 44 33 14136 14144
dc.description.abstract The rational design of porous, biomass-derived eco-friendly adsorbents instead of costly synthetic, petroleum-based resins stands as a promising approach to resolving the thorny issue of sewage treatment (for example, by supplying safe water for drinking and irrigation). Herein we explore a straightforward transformation of abundant clay and polysaccharides into highly-reactive water-cleaning adsorbents. Surface-functionalization of sepiolite and halloysite by phosphoryl chloride triggered metal dissolution from the framework (inside of the lumen for halloysite and on the external surface for sepiolite) and the concomitant growth of well-truncated crystalline metal phosphates. These unprecedented nanomaterials exhibited outstanding adsorption ability, outperforming a set of phosphorylated solids (graphene, mesoporous SBA-15 and cellulose nanocrystals) but unfortunately failed in recycling. However, their entrapment on a chitosan backbone afforded porous self-standing microspheres where the resulting hydrogels displayed good adsorption for both anionic Congo red and cationic Malachite green dyes and their mixture. The importance of shaping the material framework as porous hydrogels was demonstrated through a comparison with shrinking chitosan-clay xerogel and powder analogues. The resulting beads can be easily recovered from the water medium and reused several times. This strategy seems attractive for scavenging persistent chemicals from aqueous media.
dc.language.iso eng
dc.relation.ispartof New Journal of Chemistry, 2020, vol. 44, num. 33, p. 14136-14144
dc.subject Materials nanoestructurats
dc.subject Química
dc.title Phosphorylation triggered growth of metal phosphate on halloysite and sepiolite nanoparticles: preparation, entrapment in chitosan hydrogels and application as recyclable scavengers
dc.type journal article es_ES 2021-03-03T15:39:31Z
dc.identifier.doi 10.1039/D0NJ03191G
dc.identifier.idgrec 143624
dc.rights.accessRights open access es_ES

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