Use of Silica Based Materials as Modulators of the Lipase Catalyzed Hydrolysis of Fats under Simulated Duodenal Conditions

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Use of Silica Based Materials as Modulators of the Lipase Catalyzed Hydrolysis of Fats under Simulated Duodenal Conditions

Mostra el registre parcial de l'element Muñoz-Pina, Sara Amorós del Toro, Pedro José El Haskouri, Jamal Andrés, Ana Ros-Lis, José Vicente 2021-03-04T14:36:22Z 2021-03-04T14:36:22Z 2020
dc.identifier.citation Muñoz-Pina, Sara Amorós del Toro, Pedro José El Haskouri, Jamal Andrés, Ana Ros-Lis, José Vicente 2020 Use of Silica Based Materials as Modulators of the Lipase Catalyzed Hydrolysis of Fats under Simulated Duodenal Conditions Nanomaterials 10 1927
dc.description.abstract The effect of silica materials and their functionalization in the lipase catalyzed fat hydrolysis has been scarcely studied. Fifteen silica materials were prepared and their effect on the fat hydrolysis was measured, under simulated duodenal conditions, using the pH-stat method. The materials are composed of the combination of three supports (Stöber massive silica nanoparticles, Stöber mesoporous nanoparticles and UVM-7) and four surface functionalizations (methyl, trimethyl, propyl and octyl). In addition, the non-functionalized materials were tested. The functional groups were selected to offer a hydrophobic character to the material improving the interaction with the fat globules and the lipase. The materials are able to modulate the lipase activity and their effect depending on the support topology and the organic covering, being able to increase or reduce the fat hydrolysis. Depending of the material, relative fat hydrolysis rates of 75 to 140% in comparison with absence of the material were obtained. The results were analyzed by Partial Least Square Regression and suggest that the alkyl modified mesopores are able to improve the fat hydrolysis, by contrast the non-porous nanoparticles and the textural pores tend to induce inhibition. The effects are more pronounced for materials containing long alkyl chains and/or in absence of taurodeoxycholate.
dc.language.iso eng
dc.relation.ispartof Nanomaterials, 2020, vol. 10, num. 1927
dc.subject Materials nanoestructurats
dc.subject Nanotecnologia
dc.subject Enzims
dc.title Use of Silica Based Materials as Modulators of the Lipase Catalyzed Hydrolysis of Fats under Simulated Duodenal Conditions
dc.type journal article es_ES 2021-03-04T14:36:22Z
dc.identifier.doi 10.3390/nano10101927
dc.identifier.idgrec 143625
dc.rights.accessRights open access es_ES

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