Influence of health literacy on acceptance of influenza and pertussis vaccinations: a cross-sectional study among Spanish pregnant women

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Influence of health literacy on acceptance of influenza and pertussis vaccinations: a cross-sectional study among Spanish pregnant women

Mostra el registre parcial de l'element Castro-Sánchez, Enrique Soriano-Vidal, Francisco Javier Vila-Candel, Rafael 2021-03-09T11:23:36Z 2021-03-09T11:23:36Z 2018
dc.identifier.citation Castro-Sánchez, Enrique Soriano-Vidal, Francisco Javier Vila-Candel, Rafael 2018 Influence of health literacy on acceptance of influenza and pertussis vaccinations: a cross-sectional study among Spanish pregnant women Bmj Open
dc.description.abstract Objectives: Immunisations against influenza and Bordetella pertussis infection are recommended to pregnant women in Valencia (Spain), yet vaccination rates remain low. Health literacy (HL) appears as a crucial factor in vaccination decision-making. We explored the relation between HL of pregnant women and decisions to receive influenza and pertussis immunisations. Setting: University hospital in Valencia (Spain). Participants: 119 women who gave birth at a hospital in Valencia (Spain) between November 2015 and May 2016. Women in the immediate postpartum period (more than 27 weeks of gestation), between November 2015 and May 2016 were included in the study. Women with impairments, language barriers or illiteracy which prevented completion of the questionnaires, or those who were under 18 years were excluded from enrolment. Primary and secondary outcome measures HL level; influenza and pertussis immunisation rate; reasons for rejection of vaccination. Results: 119 participants were included (mean age 32.3±5.5 years, 52% primiparous, 95% full-term deliveries). A higher education level was associated with Short Assessment of Health Literacy for Spanish Adults _50 (adjusted R2 =0.22, p=0.014) and Newest Vital Sign (adjusted R2 =0.258, p=0.001) scores. Depending on the scale, 56%-85% of participants had adequate HL. 52% (62/119) and 94% (112/119) of women received influenza and pertussis immunisation, respectively. Women rejecting influenza vaccine had a higher HL level (measured by SALHSA_50 tool) than those accepting it (Kruskal-Wallis test p=0.022). 24% of women who declined influenza vaccination felt the vaccine was unnecessary, and 23% claimed to have insufficient information. Conclusions: Influenza vaccination rate was suboptimal in our study. Women with high HL were more likely to decline immunisation. Information from professionals needs to match patients' HL levels to reduce negative perceptions of vaccination.
dc.language.iso eng
dc.relation.ispartof Bmj Open, 2018
dc.subject Infermeria
dc.title Influence of health literacy on acceptance of influenza and pertussis vaccinations: a cross-sectional study among Spanish pregnant women
dc.type journal article es_ES 2021-03-09T11:23:37Z
dc.identifier.doi 10.1136/bmjopen-2018-022132
dc.identifier.idgrec 143700
dc.rights.accessRights open access es_ES

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