Retinal detachment with spontaneous dialysis of the ora serrata in a 13-year-old child with neurofibromatosis type 1: a case report.

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Retinal detachment with spontaneous dialysis of the ora serrata in a 13-year-old child with neurofibromatosis type 1: a case report.

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Clemente Tomás, Rodrigo; Ruiz del Rio, Noemí; Gargallo Benedicto, Amparo; García Ibor, Francisca; Hervás Hernandis, Jose Miguel; Duch Samper, Antonio Miguel
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2020

A 13‑year‑old child diagnosed with neurofibromatosis type 1 who on a routine control presented with rhegmatogenous retinal detachment associated to dialysis of the ora serrata in the left eye (OS). There were no clinical signs or history of contuse ocular trauma. Neurofibromatosis produces alterations in fibroblasts of the cortex of the vitreous base. This results in deficient production of the collagen fibers that anchor the vitreous base to the pars plana and the peripheral neurosensory retina. Thus, suboptimal function of the fibroblasts explains spontaneous avulsion of the vitreous base. Such avulsion in turn is related to dialysis of the ora serrata.
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