A Model for developing an academic activity index for higher education instructors based on composite indicators

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A Model for developing an academic activity index for higher education instructors based on composite indicators

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Bas Cerdá, María del Carmen; Carot, José Miguel
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2022

The assessment of the teacher performance is a subject of criticism due to the lack of a well-establish methodology. This study develops an overall score to measure the dimensions that encompass the academic activities. To that end, a Benefit-of-the-doubt model is proposed. The advantage of this technique is the flexibility in the weights, so that the model selects for each teacher the most favourable set of weights. Furthermore, the paper proposes the barycentric coordinate system as a method to classify the teachers in clusters depending on their contribution to the dimensions. A specific pie chart has been proposed as an efficient way to report the contribution of the teachers to the dimensions and the overall teacher performance.
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