Fortalecimiento de la posición del cónyuge viudo: artículo 831 del Código civil

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Fortalecimiento de la posición del cónyuge viudo: artículo 831 del Código civil

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Viñes, Patricia
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2020

The aim of this study is the analysis of the article 831 of the Spanish Civil Code, which, among other purposes, responds to the testator?s desire of strengthening the position of the surviving spouse, by turning him into an administrator of the family heritage. The exceptional nature of this institution in relation to several articles of the Spanish Civil Code has meant a profound change in its inheritance laws, affecting aspects such as the qualitative intangibility of the forced heirship, the personal and non-delegable nature of the will or the inheritance?s partition. These considerations justify the importance of a research work that, from a practical view, analyzes the possibilities of application and use of this institution, and proposes testamentary formulas that can achieve the purpose pursued by the law as well as solve the problems that may arise from its literal meaning.
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