Application of WGM Resonances to the Measurement of the Temperature Increment of Ho and Ho-Yb Doped Optical Fibers Pumped at 1125 and 975 nm

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Application of WGM Resonances to the Measurement of the Temperature Increment of Ho and Ho-Yb Doped Optical Fibers Pumped at 1125 and 975 nm

Mostra el registre parcial de l'element Roselló-Mechó, Xavier Delgado-Pinar, Martina Barmenkov, Yuri O. Kir'yanov, Alexander V. Andrés, Miguel V. 2021-03-29T07:34:47Z 2021-03-30T04:45:05Z 2021 es_ES
dc.identifier.citation X. Roselló-Mechó, M. Delgado-Pinar, Y. O. Barmenkov, A. V. Kir’yanov, and M. V. Andrés, “Application of WGM Resonances to the Measurement of the Temperature Increment of Ho and Ho-Yb Doped Optical Fibers Pumped at 1125 and 975 nm”, Sensors, Vol. 21, art. 2094, 2021. es_ES
dc.description.abstract Optical fiber characterization using whispering gallery mode resonances of the fiber itself has been demonstrated to be a powerful technique. In this work, we exploit the thermal sensitivity of whispering gallery mode resonances to characterize the pump-induced temperature increment in holmium doped and holmium-ytterbium codoped optical fibers. The technique relies on the measurement of the resonances’ wavelength shift due to temperature variation as a function of the pump power. Holmium doped fibers were pumped to the second excited level 5I6 of the Ho3+ ion using a laser diode at 1125 nm and ytterbium-holmium codoped fibers to the 2F5/2 level of the Yb3+ ion by a laser diode at 975 nm. Our results demonstrate that pumping ytterbium-holmium codoped fibers at 975 nm results in dramatic thermal effects, producing a temperature ncrement two orders higher than that observed in holmium doped fibers pumped with a 1125 nm laser diode. es_ES
dc.description.sponsorship Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación es_ES
dc.description.sponsorship Generalitat Valenciana es_ES
dc.description.sponsorship Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER) es
dc.language.iso es es_ES
dc.subject whispering gallery modes es_ES
dc.subject holmium es_ES
dc.subject ytterbium es_ES
dc.subject doped fibers es_ES
dc.subject fiber characterization es_ES
dc.subject 2 um fiber lasers es_ES
dc.title Application of WGM Resonances to the Measurement of the Temperature Increment of Ho and Ho-Yb Doped Optical Fibers Pumped at 1125 and 975 nm es_ES
dc.type journal article es_ES
dc.subject.unesco UNESCO::FÍSICA es_ES
dc.identifier.doi 10.3390/s21062094 es_ES
dc.identifier.idgrec 145027
dc.accrualmethod - es_ES
dc.embargo.terms 0 days es_ES
dc.relation.projectID MINECO/ES/FPI program/BES-2014-068607
dc.relation.projectID GVA/PROMETEO/2019/048
dc.relation.projectID PID2019-104276RB-I00

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