Régimen jurídico de las vacunas en España: reflexiones ante la situación creada por el coronavirus.

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Régimen jurídico de las vacunas en España: reflexiones ante la situación creada por el coronavirus.

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Barceló Doménech, Javier
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2020

The health emergency situation caused by the COVID-19 coronavirus provides a good opportunity to reflect on vaccination policy. The Spanish legal system adopts as a general rule the non-mandatory vaccination, although there are certain situations (as, for example, the international pandemic of COVID-19) in which forced vaccination could be imposed. Beyond the normative data, attention must also be paid to the global battle that has been raging in recent years against anti-vaxxers, which can find a very powerful ally in those infected by the virus, that urgently demand the discovery of the vaccine that will remedy the disease.
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