Pandemia y derecho a la vida y la salud en América y México. Reflexiones a partir de la Resolución 1/2020 de la OEA.

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Pandemia y derecho a la vida y la salud en América y México. Reflexiones a partir de la Resolución 1/2020 de la OEA.

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Pérez Fuentes, Gisela María
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2020

The world is experiencing an epidemiological tragedy but the countries have each assumed their method of solution to the Covid Pandemic 19, throughout America, cases are beginning to proliferate, from North to South, however in a timely manner the Organization of States Americans, issued a Guiding Resolution from the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, which seeks to protect the main human right, which is life through health and how to care for the most vulnerable groups. This article also refers to how and when in Mexico the existence of the Pandemic was legally decreed; Since February 28, 2020, the first case occurred. The actions of the General Health Council and the circumstances that this type of social alarm can provoke for a society that is definitely not prepared against this invisible enemy
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