Justicia post-coronavirus, de la crisis a las reformas que se avizoran.

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Justicia post-coronavirus, de la crisis a las reformas que se avizoran.

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Barona Vilar, Silvia
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2020

The collapse generated by the COVID-19 pandemic in the Justice action, with the suspension of non-urgent judicial activity, postponing scheduled actions for the period of suspension, and the prevision of a huge number of new cases caused by the crisis economic situation have led to various legal reports from the CGPJ, judicial associations, lawyers, which have been integrated into a crash plan by the Ministry of Justice. This plan foresees imminent procesual, organizational and technological reforms, some incorporated by RDL 16/2020. A moment of crisis that as a cause or as an excuse presents a period of changes in Justice.
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