Alimentos a los hijos a cinco años de vigencia del Código Civil y Comercial argentino

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Alimentos a los hijos a cinco años de vigencia del Código Civil y Comercial argentino

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Molina de Juan, Mariel F.
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2020

This article presents the main aspects of the alimony regime that regulate the amount owed by parents to children according to the Argentinian Civil and Commercial Code of 2015. It analyzes the content and amount of the alimony as well as the categories of beneficiaries. Some of these categories are children of legal age who study, unrecognized children and pregnant women. Additionally, it exposes some tensions deriving from hasty interpretations of the shared parental responsibility system. Finally, it explains the measures to take in order to guarantee compliance with the legal obligations of alimony.
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