La constitución ante las autoridades españolas de la adopción en supuestos internacionales: cuestiones controvertidas

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La constitución ante las autoridades españolas de la adopción en supuestos internacionales: cuestiones controvertidas

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Sánchez Cano, María Jesús
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2020

The present work analyses the regime of the International Adoption Law for the constitution before the Spanish authorities of an adoption in international cases. First of all, it will be discussed the forums that grant international judicial competence to the Spanish Courts for the constitution of an international adoption, as well as about the consular adoption, foreseen in the articles 14 and 17 IAL. In the second place, the sector of the applicable law will be examined, in relation to which the answers offered in articles 18-20 will be dealt with, without forgetting the reference in article 23 to the Spanish international public policy.
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