Protección de datos personales en el ámbito sanitario y de investigación biomédica: : Una visión europea

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Protección de datos personales en el ámbito sanitario y de investigación biomédica: : Una visión europea

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Emaldi Cirión, Aitziber
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2021

In the field of biomedical and health research, processing data represents opportunities to generate knowledge, to threat diseases and to improve people?s quality of life. However, these advantages provided by new digital technologies, such as Big Data, can have an impact on people?s fundamental rights if they are not clearly defined and protected. This study addresses the range of rights that subjects have in relation to the processing of their health data, whether -personal, pseudonymised or anonymised data-, within the framework of the EU Regulation and the Spanish Data Protection Act.
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