El traslado transfronterizo y la determinación de la ley aplicable (lex societatis) en la jurisprudencia del tribunal de justicia de la unión europea

Repositori DSpace/Manakin

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El traslado transfronterizo y la determinación de la ley aplicable (lex societatis) en la jurisprudencia del tribunal de justicia de la unión europea

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Bueno Biot, Alvaro
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2021

This paper will analyse the most relevant case law of recent years in the field of cross-border transfer and determination of the law applicable to companies (lex societatis). The aim of this article is therefore to set out the main legal obstacles affecting the effective performance of these operations and, consequently, to set out the various developments introduced by the case law of the ECJ in the area of freedom of establishment with the aim of improving the productivity and competitiveness of companies at intra-Community level.
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