Air stable hybrid organic-inorganic light emitting diodes uzing ZnO as the cathode

Repositori DSpace/Manakin

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Air stable hybrid organic-inorganic light emitting diodes uzing ZnO as the cathode

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Bolink, Henk; Coronado Miralles, Eugenio; Repetto, Diego; Sessolo, Michele
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2007

An air stable hybrid organic-inorganic light emitting device is presented. This architecture makes use of metal oxides as charge injecting materials into the light emitting polymer, avoiding the use of air sensitive cathodes commonly employed in organic light emitting diode manufacturing. We report the application of zinc oxide as a cathode in an organic light emitting device. This electroluminescent device shows high brightness levels reaching 6500 cd/m2 at voltages as low as 8 V. Compared to a conventional device using low workfunction metal cathodes, our device shows a lower turn-on voltage and it can operate in air.
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