Procesos recientes de segregación e incorporación de municipios en Andalucía. ¿La fusión o la cooperación como solución al minifundismo local?

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Procesos recientes de segregación e incorporación de municipios en Andalucía. ¿La fusión o la cooperación como solución al minifundismo local?

Mostra el registre parcial de l'element Copano Ortiz, Luis es Ventura Fernández, Jesús es 2021-04-20T09:21:49Z 2021-04-20T09:21:49Z 2020 es
dc.identifier.citation Copano Ortiz, Luis ; Ventura Fernández, Jesús. Procesos recientes de segregación e incorporación de municipios en Andalucía. ¿La fusión o la cooperación como solución al minifundismo local?. En: Terra: revista de desarrollo local, 6 2020: 228-253 es
dc.description.abstract Abstract. The Andalusian municipal map is currently composed of 785 municipalities, although this political, administrative and territorial reality has experienced a significant boom in segregationist phenomena during the constitutional period, being especially numerous during the last decade, with the creation of 14 municipalities, with a majority legal basis in the Local Autonomy Law of Andalusia (2010). With the State Law on Rationalization and Sustainability of the Local Administration (2013), the conditions for segregation have been tightened, establishing a minimum population threshold of 5,000 inhabitants and their financial viability. The objective of this research is to deepen the current position of the Junta de Andalucía in the processes of segregation and incorporation of municipality, as well as future segregationist possibilities. For this end, a review of all the regulations on local government and their repercussions on the Andalusian municipal map will be applied as a methodology. The main results set out the current overview in this regard. And as a conclusion, various alternatives will be presented: either the merger of municipalities with small population and financial problems, or the strengthening of territorial cooperation figures (communities of municipalities, consortiums) or the creation of supra-municipal entities (administrative regions, metropolitan areas). Key words: Local autonomy, Municipal map, New councils, Segregation, Andalucía. es
dc.title Procesos recientes de segregación e incorporación de municipios en Andalucía. ¿La fusión o la cooperación como solución al minifundismo local? es
dc.type journal article es_ES
dc.subject.unesco UNESCO::GEOGRAFÍA es
dc.identifier.doi 10.7203/terra.6.17406 es
dc.type.hasVersion VoR es_ES

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