Judo is a martial art whose origins come from jujutsu, created in 1882 by the master Jigoro Kano, who proposed a method that was based on techniques that could be applied in real combat, as well as practiced with the partner without risk of injury .The objective of the present study is to assess the prevalence, type and distribution of the injuries suffered. Check whether sex or sports performance influences the appearance of injuries, determine which technique intervenes more frequently, assess whether they occur mostly in training or competition, and analyze how they act.This is a descriptive crosssectional observational study, in which four clubs were asked to participate, in which they had to answer an anonymous survey.Regarding the results, a total of 652 injuries were registered, in 63 men and 38 women. The most commonly injured body regions were the upper limbs 254 (38.95 %%). Contusions and sprains were the most frequent injuries and the most frequently associated technique was Seoi Nage. The number of injuries was higher during the competition if we take into account time. Most of the injuries (74.1%) were of slight characteristics, with a sports rest of less than a week and only 38.95% forced the judoka to interrupt the sport.After the study carried out, we can conclude that the results obtained are comparable to the bibliography, confirming the stated objectives