Inestabilidad de la articulación tibioperonea proximal como causa de dolor en artroplastia total de rodillaprimaria.

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Inestabilidad de la articulación tibioperonea proximal como causa de dolor en artroplastia total de rodillaprimaria.

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Rodríguez, J.R.; Mifsut Miedes, Damian
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2020

The isolated instability of the proximal tibiofibular joint (PTFJ) as a cause of pain in a prosthetic knee is a very rare clinical entity, to date we have only found one reference in the bibliography of ATPP instability associated with total knee arthroplasty. We review the bibliography on the different forms of instability and their etiology, as well as the possibilities of conservative and surgical treatment. We present the case of a patient with anterolateral instability PTFJ associated with a primary postero-stabilized (PS) TKA with a mobile tibial polyethylene.
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