Neutralidad y honorabilidad del árbitro: : De la ética a la diligencia

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Neutralidad y honorabilidad del árbitro: : De la ética a la diligencia

Mostra el registre parcial de l'element Blanco García, Ana Isabel es 2021-05-05T09:17:30Z 2021-05-05T09:17:30Z 2021 es
dc.identifier.citation Blanco García, Ana Isabel. Neutralidad y honorabilidad del árbitro: : De la ética a la diligencia. En: Revista Boliviana de Derecho, 31 2021: 264-285 es
dc.description.abstract One of the main principles of arbitration is that the arbitral tribunal must be independent, impartial, neutral and diligent in carrying out its duties throughout the arbitration proceedings. However, the sophistication and complexity of arbitration as an extra-judicial dispute resolution procedure can undermine confidence in the efficiency of the system. In this regard, the professional (arbitral) ethics and the honourability of the arbitrator are of major importance. This article aims to highlight the importance of the neutrality of the arbitrator, the integrity of the arbitration and the reputation of this procedure es
dc.subject 2070-8157 22082 Revista Boliviana de Derecho 565487 2021 31 7730059 Neutralidad y honorabilidad del árbitro: De la ética a la diligencia Blanco García es
dc.subject Ana Isabel One of the main principles of arbitration is that the arbitral tribunal must be independent es
dc.subject impartial es
dc.subject neutral and diligent in carrying out its duties throughout the arbitration proceedings. However es
dc.subject the sophistication and complexity of arbitration as an extra-judicial dispute resolution procedure can undermine confidence in the efficiency of the system. In this regard es
dc.subject the professional (arbitral) ethics and the honourability of the arbitrator are of major importance. This article aims to highlight the importance of the neutrality of the arbitrator es
dc.subject the integrity of the arbitration and the reputation of this procedure Arbitraje es
dc.subject honorabilidad es
dc.subject independencia e imparcialidad es
dc.subject neutralidad es
dc.subject responsabilidad del árbitro. es
dc.subject Arbitration es
dc.subject honorability es
dc.subject independence and impartiality es
dc.subject neutrality es
dc.subject liability of the arbitrator 264 285 es
dc.title Neutralidad y honorabilidad del árbitro: : De la ética a la diligencia es
dc.type journal article es_ES
dc.subject.unesco UNESCO::CIENCIAS JURÍDICAS es
dc.identifier.doi es
dc.type.hasVersion VoR es_ES

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