La inscripción de la ciudadanía en la cuba neocolonial (1902-1919) : Sucinta referencia histórico-jurídica

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La inscripción de la ciudadanía en la cuba neocolonial (1902-1919) : Sucinta referencia histórico-jurídica

Mostra el registre parcial de l'element Pérez, Alejandro es 2021-05-05T09:17:32Z 2021-05-05T09:17:32Z 2021 es
dc.identifier.citation Pérez, Alejandro. La inscripción de la ciudadanía en la cuba neocolonial (1902-1919) : Sucinta referencia histórico-jurídica. En: Revista Boliviana de Derecho, 31 2021: 576-593 es
dc.description.abstract This historical-legal account brieflycovering 17 years of civil registration activity carried out during the neocolonial period by Municipal Judges and Secretaries, specifically that related to registration of Cuban citizens)becomes considerably relevant to understand and to godeeper into the origins of this complex process, as well asto achieve a re-encounter with the history of those who passed through those times, currently a hidden history in the shadows of Civil Registration offices, but still alive and thus allowing us to find all the beauty that there was in it. es
dc.subject 2070-8157 22082 Revista Boliviana de Derecho 565487 2021 31 7730069 La inscripción de la ciudadanía en la cuba neocolonial (1902-1919) Sucinta referencia histórico-jurídica Pérez es
dc.subject Alejandro This historical-legal account brieflycovering 17 years of civil registration activity carried out during the neocolonial period by Municipal Judges and Secretaries es
dc.subject specifically that related to registration of Cuban citizens)becomes considerably relevant to understand and to godeeper into the origins of this complex process es
dc.subject as well asto achieve a re-encounter with the history of those who passed through those times es
dc.subject currently a hidden history in the shadows of Civil Registration offices es
dc.subject but still alive and thus allowing us to find all the beauty that there was in it. Registro Civil es
dc.subject actividad registral civil es
dc.subject ciudadanía es
dc.subject emigrados es
dc.subject cubanos es
dc.subject Civil Status Registry es
dc.subject civil registry activity es
dc.subject citizenship es
dc.subject emigrants es
dc.subject Cuban 576 593 es
dc.title La inscripción de la ciudadanía en la cuba neocolonial (1902-1919) : Sucinta referencia histórico-jurídica es
dc.type journal article es_ES
dc.subject.unesco UNESCO::CIENCIAS JURÍDICAS es
dc.identifier.doi es
dc.type.hasVersion VoR es_ES

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