Wireless energy and information transmission in FSO and RF-FSO links

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Wireless energy and information transmission in FSO and RF-FSO links

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Makki, Behrooz; Svensson, Tommy; Buisman, Koen; Pérez Soler, Joaquín; Alouini, Mohamed-Slim
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2018

We propose and analyze a wireless energy and information transmission scheme in free-space optical (FSO) links. The results are presented for both quasi-static and fast-fading conditions. We derive closed-form expressions for throughput, outage probability, and optimal power allocation optimizing the system throughput/outage probability. Finally, we complement the FSO link with an additional radio frequency (RF) link to create a hybrid RF-FSO system and reduce the system outage probability. The results show that joint implementation of the RF and FSO links leads to considerable performance improvement, compared to the cases with only FSO-based communication.
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