Miracle diets : when eating guidelines cause health problems

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Miracle diets : when eating guidelines cause health problems

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Soriano del Castillo, José Miguel; Zarzo Llobell, Mª Inmaculada
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2021

Globally, 1.9 billion adults are overweight, 650 million of which are obese, which in turn impacts both health and the economy. Treating obesity involves strategies such as physical activity and dietary planning, always under the supervision of healthcare professionals. Recent decades have brought many fad diets, although they originated at the beginning of the twentieth century. However, these can lead to health problems among their users. A practical way to detect them is that they promise rapid weight loss (more than 1 kg per week), are allegedly effortless, impose excessive energy restrictions, and exclude food or nutrients from the diet.
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