Robots that look like humans : a brief look into humanoid robotics

Repositori DSpace/Manakin

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Robots that look like humans : a brief look into humanoid robotics

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Yoshida, Eiichi
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2019

This article provides a brief overview of the technology of humanoid robots. First, historical development and hardware progress are presented mainly on human-size full-body biped humanoid robots, together with progress in pattern generation of biped locomotion. Then, «whole-body motion» ? coordinating leg and arm movements to fully leverage humanoids? high degrees of freedom ? is presented, followed by its applications in fields such as device evaluation and large-scale assembly. Upper-body humanoids with a mobile base, which are mainly utilized for research on human-robot interaction and cognitive robotics, are also introduced before addressing current issues and perspectives.
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