The seed of 'La evolución' : the development of human paleontology in Spain in recent decades

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The seed of 'La evolución' : the development of human paleontology in Spain in recent decades

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Rosas, Antonio
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2018

Human palaeontology in Spain has experienced extraordinary growth in recent decades. In this work we investigate the influence that the book La evolución (1966) and its editors, Miquel Crusafont, Bermudo Meléndez, and Emiliano Aguirre, exerted on this explosion. Two areas have developed significantly: the study of the Miocene hominoids, originally linked to Crusafont and the Vallès-Penedès basin sites (Barcelona), and the study of the first human occupations in Europe, closely related to Aguirre and the Atapuerca excavations (Burgos). Different factors have contributed to this progress, but the research inertia of La evolución and its conceptual foundations have been key to the development of the discipline.
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