An open path for gender equality in research : when female scientists question the state of science and the institutions embrace the criticism

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An open path for gender equality in research : when female scientists question the state of science and the institutions embrace the criticism

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Sánchez, Ana; Samper Gras, Teresa; Jabbaz, Marcela; Díaz Martínez, Capitolina
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2017

The institutionalisation of equality policy in science, both at the national and the European scale, should facilitate progress towards equality in a space that wants to consider itself merit (and ability) driven. But discriminatory practices, both conscious and unconscious, direct or indirect, leave women out of many of the positions that they should occupy according to their accomplishments and capabilities. Many scientific institutions and their professionals still do not understand that if gender equality is only formally achieved and actual compliance is not monitored, they will lose part of the talent they are trying to cultivate.
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