One of the foremost experiments of the twentieth century : Stanley Miller and the origin of prebiotic chemistry

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One of the foremost experiments of the twentieth century : Stanley Miller and the origin of prebiotic chemistry

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Bada, Jeffrey L.
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2016

Stanley Miller is best known for his classic 1953 experiment on the synthesis of early Earth organic compounds, in the context of the origins of life. However, he did several other experiments that are lesser known and, in some cases, have never been published. The finding in 2007 that Miller had archived dried solutions from his 1950s experiments offered the opportunity of analyzing the products of his early experiments using modern day state-of-the-art techniques. These results, along with Miller?s results, have provided an inventory of the large variety of compounds that include amino acids, amines, simple peptides, hydroxy acids, simple hydrocarbons and urea, which can be synthesized under simulated early Earth conditions.
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