Mosquito Magnet ® traps as a potential means of monitoring blackflies of medical and veterinary importance

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Mosquito Magnet ® traps as a potential means of monitoring blackflies of medical and veterinary importance

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D. López-Peña; F. M. Hawkes; G. I. Gibson; C. Johnston; A. G. C. Vaux; Á. Lis-Cantín; J. M. Medlock; R. A. Cheke
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2021

Mosquito Magnet® traps, deployed in widespread parts of England as part of nationwide mosquito surveillance projects, also caught blackflies. As many as 1242 blackflies were caught in a trapping session lasting 4 days. Principal among the species caught were Simulium equinum, Simulium lineatum and Simulium ornatum s.l. As S. ornatum s.l. is a vector that transmits Onchocerca linealis to cattle and S. equinum is responsible for dermatitis ('sweet itch') in cattle and horses, it is suggested that Mosquito Magnet® traps could be used to monitor and partially control these pests, as well as nuisance anthropophilic blackflies such as Simulium posticatum that can cause simuliidosis in southern England.
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