ReMindCare App for Early Psychosis: Pragmatic Real World Intervention and Usability Study

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ReMindCare App for Early Psychosis: Pragmatic Real World Intervention and Usability Study

Mostra el registre parcial de l'element Bonet Mora, Lucía Torous, John Arce, David Blanquer Espert, Ignacio Sanjuán Arias, Julio 2021-07-27T18:49:41Z 2021-07-27T18:49:41Z 2020
dc.identifier.citation Bonet Mora, Lucía Torous, John Arce, David Blanquer Espert, Ignacio Sanjuán Arias, Julio 2020 ReMindCare App for Early Psychosis: Pragmatic Real World Intervention and Usability Study Jmir Mhealth And Uhealth 8 11
dc.description.abstract Background: eHealth interventions are widely used in clinical trials and increasingly in care settings as well; however, their efficacy in real-world contexts remains unknown. ReMindCare is a smartphone app that has been systematically implemented in a first episode of psychosis program (FEPP) for patients with early psychosis since 2018. Objective: The objective of this study was to assess the efficacy of ReMindCare after 19 months of use in the clinic and varying use by individual patients. Methods: The integration of the ReMindCare app into the FEPP started in October 2018. Patients with early psychosis self-selected to the app (ReMindCare group) or treatment as usual (TAU group). The outcome variables considered were adherence to the intervention and number of relapses, hospital admissions, and visits to urgent care units. Data from 90 patients with early psychosis were analyzed: 59 in the ReMindCare group and 31 in the TAU group. The mean age of the sample was 32.8 (SD 9.4) years, 73% (66/90) were males, 91% (83/90) were White, and 81% (74/90) were single. Results: Significant differences between the ReMindCare and TAU groups were found in the number of relapses, hospitalizations, and visits to urgent care units, with each showing benefits for the app. Only 20% (12/59) of patients from the ReMindCare group had a relapse, while 58% (18/31) of the TAU patients had one or more relapses (χ2=13.7, P=.001). Moreover, ReMindCare patients had fewer visits to urgent care units (χ2=7.4, P=.006) and fewer hospitalizations than TAU patients (χ2=4.6, P=.03). The mean of days using the app was 352.2 (SD 191.2; min/max: 18-594), and the mean of engagement was 84.5 (SD 16.04). Conclusions: To our knowledge, this is the first eHealth intervention that has preliminarily proven its benefits in the real-world treatment of patients with early psychosis.
dc.language.iso spa
dc.relation.ispartof Jmir Mhealth And Uhealth, 2020, vol. 8, num. 11
dc.subject Psiquiatria
dc.subject Salut mental
dc.title ReMindCare App for Early Psychosis: Pragmatic Real World Intervention and Usability Study
dc.type journal article es_ES 2021-07-27T18:49:41Z
dc.identifier.doi 10.2196/22997
dc.identifier.idgrec 145583
dc.rights.accessRights open access es_ES

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