Resource allocation for clustered network MIMO OFDMA systems

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Resource allocation for clustered network MIMO OFDMA systems

Mostra el registre parcial de l'element Li, Jingya Botella Mascarell, Carmen Svensson, Tommy 2021-09-02T14:12:42Z 2021-09-02T14:12:42Z 2012
dc.identifier.citation Li, Jingya Botella Mascarell, Carmen Svensson, Tommy 2012 Resource allocation for clustered network MIMO OFDMA systems Eurasip Journal On Wireless Communications And Networking 2012 175 1 15
dc.description.abstract In this article, we address the resource allocation problem for the downlink of a large network multiple input multiple output orthogonal frequency division multiplexing system with 3-sector base stations. The system is statically divided into a number of disjoint clusters of sectors. A two-step resource allocation scheme is proposed involving the inter-cluster and the intra-cluster levels. As a first step or inter-cluster level, two cooperative frequency reuse approaches are designed to mitigate the inter-cluster interference. A user partition method is proposed to divide the users of each cluster into cluster-edge and cluster-center users. To balance the cell-edge and the cell-average performance, a fairness jug function is introduced to determine the frequency partition of the cooperative frequency reuse approaches. Then, as a second step or intra-cluster level, a utility-based joint scheduling and power allocation algorithm is proposed for each cluster, to maximize the sum utility of all users in the cluster under per-sector power constraints. Zero-forcing joint transmission is used across multiple sectors within the same cluster. Simulation results show that the proposed scheme can efficiently reduce the inter-cluster interference and provide considerable performance improvement in terms of both the cell-edge and cell-average user data rate. The proposed two-step resource allocation scheme can be implemented independently in each cluster without inter-cluster information exchange, which is an attractive property for practical systems, since it reduces both the network signaling overhead and the computational complexity.
dc.language.iso eng
dc.relation.ispartof Eurasip Journal On Wireless Communications And Networking, 2012, vol. 2012, num. 175, p. 1-15
dc.subject Comunicació i tecnologia
dc.subject Telecomunicació
dc.title Resource allocation for clustered network MIMO OFDMA systems
dc.type journal article es_ES 2021-09-02T14:12:43Z
dc.identifier.doi 10.1186/1687-1499-2012-175
dc.identifier.idgrec 083980
dc.rights.accessRights open access es_ES

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