Performance of power control in inter-cell interference coordination for frequency reuse

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Performance of power control in inter-cell interference coordination for frequency reuse

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Zhang, Hui; Xu, Xiaodong; Li, Jingya; Tao, Xiaofeng; Svensson, Tommy; Botella Mascarell, Carmen
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2010

To mitigate inter-cell interference in 3G evolution systems, a novel inter-cell interference coordination scheme called soft fractional frequency reuse is proposed in this article, which enables to improve the data rate in cell-edge. On this basis, an inter-cell power control is presented for the inter-cell interference coordination, and the inter-cell balanced signal to interference plus noise ratio (SINR) among users is established for power allocation, which enables mitigation of inter-cell interference. Especially, the power control is based on a novel exponential kernel equation at higher convergence speed than the traditional arithmetic kernel equations. Numerical results show that the proposed scheme improves the throughput and reduces the blocking rate compared to the existing power control algorithms.
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