From pirates to subscribers: 20 years of music consumption research

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From pirates to subscribers: 20 years of music consumption research

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Montoro Pons, Juan de Dios; Caballer-Tarazona, María; Cuadrado García, Manuel
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2021

The last two decades have witnessed an increasing scholarly interest on music consumption. This interest can be explained, at least partly, to the relevance of music as a form of cultural consumption and the profound changes the sector has undergone. This paper performs a bibliometric analysis of the literature on music consumption research. In doing so, a database comprising 455 academic documents on the fields of business, economics, and management, was reviewed following a systematic procedure. Through it we identify the intellectual roots and the methodological evolution of the field. Furthermore, text mining was applied to analyse the themes included in the research agenda and their evolution. As a result, potential topics, approaches, and methods for future music consumption research are proposed.
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