La desnaturalización del derecho de asilo desde un análisis comprensivo del contexto nacional y europeo en materia de asilo y refugio: propuestas para la mejora de la protección internacional en España

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La desnaturalización del derecho de asilo desde un análisis comprensivo del contexto nacional y europeo en materia de asilo y refugio: propuestas para la mejora de la protección internacional en España

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dc.contributor.advisor Martín Cubas, Joaquín
dc.contributor.advisor Sales Ten, Ana Morcillo Marco, Paula
dc.contributor.other Institut Interuniversitari de Desenvolupament Local es_ES 2021-10-08T11:18:12Z 2021-10-09T04:45:06Z 2021 es_ES 30-09-2021 es_ES
dc.description.abstract This research offers an analysis of the migratory reality that allows the reader to understand the multiple causes that have converged in the rise of restrictive asylum politics and that have affected the refugee status recognition.The stated general objective of this investigation is to denounce the denaturalization of the right to asylum, evidencing the aggressions of which it is the object from a comprehensive analysis of the national and European context in matters of asylum and refuge. The study seeks to generate knowledge that can be disseminated and professionalized by all those actors responsible for the design of public policies on asylum, and it has as ultimate goal being the improvement of the living conditions of asylum seekers in Spain and respect for their human rights.In order to respond correctly to this general objective, four specific goals arose from the following questions: O.E.1. What factors hinder progress towards harmonizing national laws to ensure more equitable and efficient international protection processes at the community level? O.E.2. What are the main impeding practices of access to international protection at border posts and in Spanish territory? O.E.3. Does the Spanish asylum system respond to international protection needs? O.E.4. What are the most immediate priorities to provide adequate coverage for international protection needs? The object of analysis will be approached from a legal-social perspective that starts from the analysis of the European legislation and later enters into the analysis of the deficiencies and challenges posed by the access to international protection at the national level. The Human Rights-Based Approach will be used for this study, conceiving asylum as a fundamental right coherently integrated into a broader framework of justice whose main objective is the effective, universal and non-discriminatory application of Human Rights recognized at the national, community and international level. es_ES
dc.format.extent 472 p. es_ES
dc.language.iso es es_ES
dc.subject asilo es_ES
dc.subject migración es_ES
dc.subject protección internacional es_ES
dc.subject derechos humanos es_ES
dc.title La desnaturalización del derecho de asilo desde un análisis comprensivo del contexto nacional y europeo en materia de asilo y refugio: propuestas para la mejora de la protección internacional en España es_ES
dc.type doctoral thesis es_ES
dc.subject.unesco UNESCO::CIENCIA POLÍTICA::Relaciones internacionales es_ES
dc.subject.unesco UNESCO::CIENCIA POLÍTICA::Sociología política::Derechos humanos es_ES
dc.subject.unesco UNESCO::DEMOGRAFÍA::Demografía histórica::Migraciones es_ES
dc.embargo.terms 0 days es_ES

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