DIP DECO 21-22 Unit 5. The State as a subject of International law

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DIP DECO 21-22 Unit 5. The State as a subject of International law

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Torres Pérez, María
1. The State and its constitutive elements. 2. The sovereignty of the State and its corollaries: equality, non-intervention and sovereign immunity. 3. The dynamics of the State. (a) Identity and continuity of the State. (b) Awareness of our States: recognition of States. (c) Political transformation: recognition of governments. (d) Territorial transformations: the succession of States. 4. The state bodies in charge of international relations: The Head of State, the Head of Government, and the Minister of Foreign Affairs. (a) Diplomatic relations: Diplomatic Missions, Special Missions and Representation before International Organizations and Delegations at International Conferences. (b) Consular relations.1. The State and its constitutive elements. 2. The sovereignty of the State and its corollaries: equality, non-intervention and sovereign immunity. 3. The dynamics of the State. (a) Identity and continuity of the State. (b) Awareness of our States: recognition of States. (c) Political transformation: recognition of governments. (d) Territorial transformations: the succession of States. 4. The state bodies in charge of international relations: The Head of State, the Head of Government, and the Minister of Foreign Affairs. (a) Diplomatic relations: Diplomatic Missions, Special Missions and Representation before International Organizations and Delegations at International Conferences. (b) Consular relations.

    Powerpoint del tema 5 de la asignatura "Public International law", curso académico 2021-2022
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